Posting this article from the Austin Monitor. I’m guessing the imagine Austin comprehensive plan staff didn’t consult with the code next bunch as the two seem to be at odds.
Friday, September 13, 2019 by Tai Moses
Historic preservation focus of discussion
In a talk titled “Old Buildings in a Changing Austin: Historic Preservation, Density and Affordability,” Dr. Mike Powe from the National Trust for Historic Preservation will discuss “how older, smaller, mixed-age buildings in Austin relate to housing affordability and economic vitality as our city grows.” Powe’s talk will focus on the role of historic preservation in Austin “where a booming economy is spurring calls for higher-density development and production of housing on a much larger scale.” Wednesday, Sept. 25, 7-8:30 p.m., Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, 600 River St. Find more information about the Imagine Austin speaker series here.